Newman cast his wife, Joanne Woodward, and one of their daughters, Nell Potts, in two of the lead roles. The screenplay by Alvin Sargent is based on the Pulitzer Prize -winning 1964 play of the same title by Paul Zindel. Mature teens who can handle the strong language and brief, sexual nudity may be especially interested in seeing a performer who really paved the way for a lot of modern comedy, especially from social-media personalities that celebrate the awkward, get viewers worked up, and as often as not leave them shaking their heads in bafflement. The Effect of Gamma Rays on Man-in-the-Moon Marigolds is a 1972 American drama film produced and directed by Paul Newman. But as he himself said, "There is no real Andy Kaufman." It's really Carrey's wonderful performance and those from the deep field of supporting players that make it worthwhile viewing. The timing and order of some of the events shown is confusing, and it's sometimes frustrating to feel like you're not getting to know the "real" Andy Kaufman. The Netflix documentary 'Jim & Andy: The Great Beyond' is a behind-the-scenes look at Jim Carrey's journey to become Andy Kaufman in the movie 'Man on the Moon. Ryan Gosling Responds To First Man Omitting Major Moon Landing Scene By Nick Evans published 31 August 18 Although it has only just premiered, Damien Chazelle's La La Land follow up, First Man is. It wasn't a box-office success when it was originally released in 1999. All Kaufman wanted out of performing, it seems, was to get some kind, any kind, of reaction from his audience. The Last Man on the Moon Trailer Watch movie The film tells the epic but deeply personal story of fulfillment, love, and loss about astronaut Eugene Cernan as he discusses his two missions to the moon, and what he loved and lost in the process. Sometimes both the artist and the movie provoke laughter, sometimes discomfort, sometimes anger, and lots of times puzzlement. But director Milos Forman carries Kaufman's legacy forward by provoking the reactions Kaufman himself did with his performances. Viewers certainly won't finish Man on the Moon feeling like now they know Andy Kaufman or "get" why he did what he did. Understanding how this movie manages to be pretty entertaining is almost as impossible as understanding Andy Kaufman himself.